A bequest is a gift or donation that is left in a will – and a wonderful way to ensure Jewish culture thrives beyond your lifetime.

If you are considering or have already made a bequest to us, please let us know, in confidence.

Membership of the Lubofsky Society

Membership of the Society is open to anyone who confirms in writing that they have made a bequest to the Jewish Museum of Australia. Once you have advised us of your decision to leave a bequest to the Museum, you will be invited to become a member of the Lubofsky Society. Members come together to enjoy events with a variety of speakers and entertainment throughout the year.

Special privileges include:

  • Invitations to attend events with special guest speakers.
  • A private tour of the Jewish Museum for friends and family.
  • A special lapel pin.
  • Members name recorded on an Honour Board.
  • A personalised signed certificate of appreciation framed.

There are no membership fees and no minimum gift amounts to join the Lubofsky Society; the size of gift is entirely your choice and kept confidential.

How to leave a bequest in your will

We understand that making a decision about how your estate is distributed is a very personal one. If you would like to ensure all or part of your estate is bequeathed to the Jewish Museum, it’s a good idea to seek professional legal advice. This will ensure your wishes are met.

Your gift can take a variety of forms:

  • Pecuniary – a specific gift of cash.
  • Percentage – a percentage of either the residue or the entire estate.
  • Residuary – the remainder of an estate after specific gifts have been disbursed.
  • Specific asset – real estate, shares, bonds or other particular items of value.

Residuary and percentage are considered the most beneficial forms of a bequest for recipients as they hold their value over time. You may like to consider leaving a percentage of your estate rather than a dollar amount, as the value of your bequest could be significantly eroded by inflation between the time you write your will and the time it is administered.

Suggested wording:

If you would like to make a bequest, you will need your solicitor to insert a clause in your Will. You may find it useful to discuss the following clauses with your solicitor:

  • I bequeath to the Jewish Museum of Australia, 26 Alma Road, St Kilda, VIC 3182 the sum of $X.


  • I bequeath to the Jewish Museum of Australia, 26 Alma Road, St Kilda, VIC 3182 X% of my estate.


  • I bequeath to the Jewish Museum of Australia, 26 Alma Road, St Kilda, VIC 3182 X% of the residue of my estate.


  • I bequeath my X (description of property or asset/s) to the Jewish Museum of Australia, 26 Alma Road, St Kilda, VIC 3182

We also recommend the following clause:

I bequeath this free of all charges to the Jewish Museum of Australia, 26 Alma Road, St Kilda, VIC (ABN: 21 005 574 210) to be used for general purposes. The official receipt of the Jewish Museum will be sufficient acknowledgement of having received this gift.

Noè Harsel, Museum Director & CEO
Phone: +61 3 8534 3600
Email: n.harsel@jewishmuseum.com.au