Jewish Her-Story: Voices, Visions and Voyages

13 March, 2024

Join writer, researcher and award-winning educational leader Sidra Kranz Moshinsky at the Jewish Museum of Australia for a 5-week course delving into the fascinating her-story of Jewish women throughout time.

Now is the time to lean in, listen to and learn from the Jewish women over time whose voices and visions still, in many ways, shape our own. Part text study, part history and part present moment, these 5 sessions aim to deepen our insight and understanding of the varied roles women have played and continue to play in the larger Jewish story.

This is especially exciting as it begins on the eve of Puurim, a time when we reflect on the courage of Esther — a woman whose actions reverberate through the generations. 

Sessions will cover the matriarchs, women of war, and women of worth in our texts; notable and everyday women in Jewish his/her-story, including the Australian experience, and a sharing of the stories of the women in our own families.

No previous knowledge is needed, all are welcome to participate.

Image: Women at Queen Esther Ball. Series 02: Dr Fanny Reading photographs, ca. 1890-1965. Courtesy Of State Library NSW.

Thursday 6-7.45pm
From: 13 March 2025
To: 10 April 2025
Sidra Kranz Moshinsky



$157.50 JMA Members
$175 Non-members

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About Your Tutor

Sidra Kranz Moshinsky is a writer, researcher and educational leader. In 2023 she was the recipient of the National Council of Jewish Women of Australia (Vic) Sylvia Gelman Award in recognition of an outstanding contribution to leadership in Jewish education. Having taught and led in Jewish education for over fifteen years at a number of schools, she is now working on projects across the community, including the Jewish Museum of Australia. Sidra is a regular contributor to The Jewish Independent and a board member of Stand Up Australia: Jewish commitment to a better world.

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